Qiong Peng

PHd Researcher Eindhoven University of Technology

Qiong Peng graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University and is now the Phd student in the Industrial Design department in the Netherlands Eindhoven University of Technology. She has been engaged in user experience design and related research for nearly 10 years in Ctrip, SAP and other companies. At present, she is mainly engaged in design research and undergraduate master's degree teaching work related to user experience design and innovative design management in the Netherlands. She has worked closely with companies such as Philips, LEGO, IKEA, IDEO, Frog Design and Crowdsite. She has published a number of papers in the CHI, HCII and other conferences. She was involved in the editing work of the book "Design Research".

Storytelling Methods and Its Application in User Experience

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  • 时间

    2017-11-16 星期四 09:00:00 -12:00:00(Day 1)

  • 地点

  • 适用

    Applicable to user experience professionals who are not good at hand-painting

    New practitioners and

Background information

People in today's user experience design field are from different background, such as psychology, engineering, business and other areas. Even people from the large design background covers visual design, industrial design, information design and other different design practices. In recent years, user experience design has also shown more and more team cooperation trend. How to effectively promote teamwork, promote the design and research communication and how to enhance the design value and quality have become topics of concern. It is more important and necessary to find and apply appropriate methods and tools to promote the communication, limited to different subject backgrounds and differences in individual presentation skills. Storytelling method is different from the common used user experience design methods like personas, scene analysis, user experience journey, nor is the interactive design understood by the general public. It has a 4th dimension of the user experience-time, which guides the story development by the timeline and the storyline, integrates the characters, scenes and other related factors, so as to help the user experience designers and researchers more effective express their design methods and concepts. On the other hand, in order to solve the hand-drawn obstacles, I will also be explaining how to integrate story-telling when carrying out the concept of visual expression.


1. Introduce the overall content and purpose 

2. Introduction to the storytelling method of user experience design

3. Introduction to the application of storytelling

4. Group exercises to apply the methods and learn the processes

5. Discuss and exchange feedback; there will be a small questionnaire in the end

Participants will learn

  • Participants will learn and experience the whole process and method of storytelling, and feel the effectiveness of practical storytelling in the workshop. They can apply, this set of methods and processes to complete their work in their future practical work and promote team communication in design.

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