Xin Chang

Alipay UED Senior Design Manager Ant financial

With 10 years design experience, leading UED teams in LG-electrical, Souhu, Baidu for several years, I worked for different design areas. Now I am a Senior Design manager of Alipay UED group in the Ant Financial. Our team mainly focus on Alipay basic features, payment, account system, public goods platform, ant forest, ant villa and projects related to user experience design. I also promote the concept of “The Big Design” and the implementation of “The Design Science of Human Affairs” during my career.

Design to make public welfare closer to daily life

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  • 时间

    2017-11-16 星期四 15:00:00 -18:00:00(Day 1)

  • 地点

  • 适用

    Product designer

Background information

Under the rapid development of ages, the user experience design is no longer restricted to interaction design and visual design. Designers’ focus have transferred from things to affairs gradually and pay attention to designing something nice. How to attract more users to use products is every designer’s main goal.


1、The age of the Big Design 

2、The design concept and progress of the Ant Forest 

3、Gamification design thinking and ways of attracting users.(e.g. collect/experiment in growing/additional/exchange/honour/goal/interaction/surprise) 

4、Multidimensional exploration of public goods projects: the creation of the Ant Villa and the concept of the Public Goods. How to narrow the gap between the public and the welfare. 

Participants will learn

  • The implementation of “The Design Science of Human Affairs” in projects

  • Ways of attracting users on products we designed 

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